Monday, April 26, 2010


Just a few more pictures, these are my favorite so far!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Ok, so late last night all our baby wanted was to be held. There was no such thing as sleep for us, and remy would only sleep as long as he was being held a certain way. It's the best sleeping position ever! you'll love this photo.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Here he is!

Baby and Mommy.
Baby Sleeping!
Baby and Daddy.

Friday, April 9, 2010

He has Arrived

Ok so I couldn't figure out for the life of me how to tell if it was really labor! (how do you know if you have never done it before?) I was seriously hopeing and praying for something obvious to happen so that I would "know" it was "real" labor. (I joked with Jeff that pregnant women's belly buttons should turn bright green to let them know they are in labor, just like green on a stop light say's go.. haha)

Well funny story, I was being lazy one morning and my water broke! (Thank you to the powers that be for making it obvious, I needed it!) so we went to the hospital 9 1/2 hours, and an epidural later He was born!

Remy Thomas LaBau
born at 12:25 am on April 8th, 2010
8 Pounds and 20 Inches

Thank you to all those who gave incouragement through out the last 41 weeks! I love you all!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Late Check Out...

Looks like Hotel Womb was just far too comfortable for the baby, he has opted for the late check out. Playing the waiting game is all there is left to do. I was pretty surprised to find out that about 70% of first time moms deliver late... It's not too bad either. The only thing that is bothering me is people who keep calling, texting, and facebooking me everyday asking "is the baby out yet?" when you have the same 12 people asking you that question every day it gets annoying. I know people are just excited but at least pretend to care how I feel first please... and stop asking every day! every 3 day's is ok... understand I will tell everyone when he arrives!!! I'm not going to keep something like this a secret...

thats enough of my soap box... Just needed to vent. Most people have been really good, it's just those few people (you know who you are!!!) most of whom probably don't even read this blog. sad..
