Monday, March 30, 2009

Make up your mind!

I woke up this morning to hear a shovel scraping concrete out side and looked out the window to see another sheet of white covering everything in sight! All that snow was crazy after the week of warm sunny weather we had just had. To my shock it just keeps happening! 4or 5 days of sun and nice weather and then 2 days of snow and back. I wish mother nature would make up her mind as to whether or not we need more winter or forge forward to spring! (I would prefer spring)


livehappy08 said...

Jessy have you noticed that most all of your posts are about the weather? and 90% of those are about snow? Hmmm...strange....

Jessy said...

I have noticed! I am trying to find other things to talk about but so far I am too boring... =P
