Monday, August 24, 2009


Well, on Friday morning at about 2am I went to the ER in terrible pain and was there till about 7am when they allowed me to go home on a condition that I would go see Dr. Weiss in the hospital later that day.
I went in to see Dr. Weiss at 2pm and was sent directly to the Post Op room to be prepped for an appendectomy! My appendix was really swollen! I was very lucky it didn't pop. I was also lucky I had a great surgon because as you can imagine surgery is very dangerous for a pregnant women, even someone as earlie on as me.
I have Really gross pictures of it but I won't put them up here for fear that you might lose your lunch.
I was in the hospital till Sunday afternoon and I am thankful for all the calls I got making sure that I was OK.


PC said...

Are you recovering well from Appendicitis??

Amber said...

Glad everything worked out for you.. What a total pain - no pun intended - especially when you're dealing with all the other issues of being pregnant.. :(
