Thursday, February 18, 2010

Week 34!

I have just ended week 34, and here is another picture to show off the belly.

I had a doctors appointment where they did another ultrasound to determine size and some other stuff. Baby is approimately (according to the ultrasound) 5lbs. I was told that ultrasound aren't always accurate on weight of the fetus, they are usually on the low side, meaning our baby could be bigger. He is right in the average range though, so that's really good! Jeff has been using one of the ultra sound photos as a books mark, you'll never guess which one... yep that's right the photo of the testies!

Putting the nursery together, has been... um... a chore? I have moved furniture around at least 4 times... I really hate this whole nesting thing. Its a good thing we are not allowed to paint the walls in our apartment or I might have gone crazy with colors! For now I am just trying to be content with cleaning/organizing... even that is annoying cause I didn't know I could be such a neat freak, Jeff probably thinks it's really funny, I have been too afraid of the answer to ask though.

School is fun... not really. I have the worst time trying to climb the flight of stairs that get me to my English class. Other than that though school is fine. Jeff is spending his time either writing more of his novel or working which is great! That seems to be all that is really going on at the moment.

1 comment:

Amber said...

So close! So close! And that nursery looks super cute back there.. Be sure to post pictures once you've made up your mind about it - which I'm guessing won't be for another 243 re-arrangings.. If you're anything like me, at least! ;) I saved the muscle work, though, and did it all drafting-style on the computer.. ;)
